You’re a small business owner who wants to drive more leads and sales, but you’re not sure how. One element that you can’t afford to ignore is an effective call to action (CTA) in all your digital marketing campaigns

In this blog post, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about writing a CTA for your landing pages, email marketing messages, and beyond. While there’s no one-size-fits-all formula, there are some key ingredients that make for an effective call to action:

  • Use action words that create a sense of urgency
  • Make it clear and concise – no fluff!
  • Create a sense of urgency with limited time offers
  • Design a clickable cta button that stands out
  • Tailor your cta copy to your specific target audience

Let’s dive in and learn how to write CTAs that convert.

What is a call to action (CTA) and why do you need one?

A call-to-action (CTA) is a statement designed to prompt an immediate response or encourage a specific action from your target audience. Whether you want them to sign up for your email list, make a purchase, or download a free trial – having an effective CTA is crucial for driving conversions.

The power of a great CTA

In the world of digital marketing, a compelling CTA can make or break a blog post, email campaign, social media ad, or landing page. It acts as a catalyst, guiding potential customers towards taking that all-important next step with your product or service. Without this vital element, even the most engaging content runs the risk of falling flat. 

Why you can’t afford to skip the CTA

Imagine putting all your effort into creating an incredible web page, blog post, or email – only to leave your audience hanging without a clear path forward. A strong CTA removes any guesswork, telling people exactly what you’d like them to do next. Your call to action is what breathes life into your marketing efforts and transforms passive readers into active leads or customers.

Elements of an effective call to action

Create a sense of urgency

An effective call to action (CTA) creates a sense of urgency that compels your target audience to act now. Limited time offers or phrases like “only X left in stock” can drive action. But be careful not to overdo it – you want your audience to feel motivated, not manipulated.

Use action words

Your CTA copy should feature strong action words that leave no doubt about the next step. Words like “buy,” “subscribe,” “download,” or “get started” work well. These direct commands cut through the noise and make it crystal clear what action is expected.

Make it obvious

Whether it’s a button on your website, a link in an email, or a popup on your blog, the CTA itself needs to be obvious. Using contrasting colors, whitespace, and directional cues like arrows can make your CTA button jump off the page. Test different placements and designs to see what works best for your target audience.

Highlight the value

An effective CTA doesn’t just tell people what to do – it sells them on why they should do it. Highlight the key benefits of your product or service. Free trials, discounts, and bonus offers sweeten the deal. But keep the focus on how your offering solves their problem or fulfills their desires.

Keep it simple

With so many distractions online, a clear and concise CTA has a better chance of cutting through the clutter. Use plain language and avoid cluttering it with too much text. A short, benefit-driven headline and a single sentence explanation is often all you need. Let your CTA be the star of the show.

Test and refine

There’s no one-size-fits-all recipe for the perfect CTA. What works depends on your specific audience, offer, and context. That’s why continuous testing is critical. Try different wording, designs, and placements. Then analyze the results and refine your approach for maximum impact.

Great copywriting tips for CTAs that convert

Speak directly to your target audience

The key to writing an effective call to action is understanding your target audience. Put yourself in their shoes – what are their pain points? Their desires? Craft your CTA copy to directly address them. Use language they relate to and highlight the specific benefits your product or service provides.

Use powerful language 

Your call to action button or text needs to compel the reader to take action. Ditch bland phrases like “click here” in favor of strong action words like “Get,” “Discover,” or “Unlock.” These create a sense of urgency and make your CTA more enticing.

Leverage scarcity and FOMO

Nothing lights a fire under people quite like a limited time offer or exclusive deal. Creating a sense of scarcity motivates people to act quickly before missing out. Try phrases like “Only 5 spots left!” or “This deal ends tonight!” in your email marketing, blog posts, and social media CTAs.

Be clear and concise

Your call to action should be an easy-to-digest, frictionless request. Make the next step obvious by using clear and specific language. “Start Your Free Trial” is much more effective than a vague “Sign Up.” Brevity is key on web pages and landing pages.

Use contrasting colors

On digital platforms, your CTA button or link needs to stand out. Use contrasting colors that grab attention and differentiate it from other page elements. But avoid colors that clash – the goal is to draw the eye, not hurt it!

Optimize for maximum impact

No matter how great you think your CTA copy is, testing is crucial. Run A/B tests with variations to see what resonates most with your audience. Continuously optimize to maximize conversions over time. Digital marketing is an iterative game.

Optimizing your CTAs for each marketing channel

No matter where your call-to-action (CTA) appears – whether it’s a blog post, social media update, email newsletter or web page – the way you present it can make or break your digital marketing success. Optimizing your CTAs is crucial for driving leads and sales for your small business.

Understand your audience

The first step is knowing who you’re targeting. Your target audience should influence everything, from the CTA copy and design to the channel and placement. For example, a CTA for a free trial might perform better on a landing page than on a social media post aimed at cold leads.

Adjust for each channel

No matter the channel, make sure your CTAs align with your brand voice and overall marketing goals. Test different approaches and analyze what performs best for continuous optimization. Here are some channel-specific CTA suggestions:

  • Blog post: Use a CTA button at the end linking to a landing page
  • Email: Make the CTA text a clickable link
  • Web page: Test different CTA button colors, sizes and placements
  • Social media: Write short, punchy CTAs with a trackable link

Call to action examples and templates to boost leads and sales

Whether it’s on your website, blog post, email marketing campaign or social media posts, a great call to action can make all the difference.

Compelling CTAs for your website

Your website is often the first touchpoint for potential customers. Strategically placed CTAs on key web pages can guide visitors towards taking the desired action – be it making a purchase, scheduling a consultation, or signing up for your email list.

  • On your homepage: “Get Started with a Free Trial Today!”
  • On a product/service page: “Buy [Product Name] Now and Save 20%”
  • In the site footer: “Subscribe to Our Newsletter for Exclusive Offers”

Attention-grabbing CTAs for email marketing

Email marketing allows you to nurture leads and build relationships with your target audience. By including compelling CTAs in your email campaigns, you can encourage subscribers to take the next step in their customer journey.

  • For a limited-time offer: “Claim Your Discount Before It’s Gone!”
  • To drive webinar registrations: “Reserve Your Spot for Our Upcoming Masterclass”
  • To promote a new product/service: “Be the First to Try [Product Name]”

Actionable CTAs for social media

Social media platforms offer a powerful way to connect with your audience and promote your brand. Crafting eye-catching CTAs can help your social media posts stand out and drive engagement.

  • For a new blog post: “Read Our Latest Tips on [Topic]”
  • To promote a contest/giveaway: “Enter to Win [Prize] – Click Here!”
  • To drive traffic to a landing page: “Learn More About [Product/Service] Now”

The right CTA can drive real sales

No matter the platform, a thoughtful, strategic CTA is crucial for boosting engagement, leads, and sales for your small business. The key to an effective call to action is using action-oriented language that creates a sense of urgency and clearly communicates the value proposition to your target audience. By experimenting with different CTA copy and designs, you can find the perfect formula to boost leads and sales for your small business.