As a small business owner in 2024, you’ve probably given artificial intelligence a try. Many businesses use AI tools like ChatGPT to try to save time and generate content. If you’re like most SMB owners, though, you’ve already seen the limitations of AI tools like ChatGPT. They don’t get the ins and outs of your specific business. Even if you spend time writing up the perfect prompt, if AI doesn’t have access to your internal data, it will offer you generic, irrelevant recommendations. 

That’s why vcita developed BizAI. BizAI is an AI-driven business advisor for small businesses. It isn’t just another off-the-shelf tool, it’s built to address your specific business needs and challenges. By leveraging your own business data, along with external knowledge of your industry, BizAI gives you tailored insights and practical guidance that actually make sense for your business. 

What is BizAI?

BizAI is an AI business advisor for small businesses that’s fully integrated into vcita’s business management solution. It draws from your internal business data, along with external sources, to provide you with personalized, actionable recommendations. BizAI analyzes everything from your sales figures and customer feedback to competitor analysis and market trends, and then some. From suggesting strategies for growing your business to generating content, BizAI does it all in seconds. 

There’s no need to juggle multiple platforms. BizAI is integrated directly into your business’s daily workflows, working seamlessly with the business tools you already use. More than just another add-on or disjointed data analysis feature, BizAI is designed to be an integral component of your daily operations. Imagine having access to a McKinsey-level AI business advisor at your fingertips, customized to meet the unique needs of your small business – that’s BizAI. 

The benefits of BizAI

You face numerous challenges every day as a small business owner, including attracting new clients, managing cash flow, and strategizing for growth. Unlike large enterprises, you may not have the resources to hire specialized teams to deal with each of these issues. 

Enter BizAI – it gives you the expert advice and business support you need to save time and effort in growing your business. 

Here’s what BizAI can do for you:

Multifunctional support across your business

BizAI has a wide range of functionalities, which sets it apart from many AI tools that focus only on one thing, like marketing or generating content. Whether you need help with business development, marketing strategies, or content creation, BizAI has you covered. 

Data-driven decision making

BizAI merges external data with your internal business data to bring you relevant, personalized insights. This lets you make better business decisions, refine your strategies, and achieve your business goals more effectively.

Time-saving efficiency

Your time is precious, and BizAI helps you maximize it by tackling your most time-consuming tasks – such as writing business plans, comparing competitor prices, and identifying market trends – with the press of a button. This frees you up to focus on what you do best – running your business.

Cost-effective expertise

If you’ve ever looked into hiring a marketing expert or business advisor, you know how costly they can be. With BizAI, you get high-quality professional advice without overextending your budget. 

User-friendly interface

Even if you’re not a tech expert, you can easily utilize everything BizAI has to offer. BizAI’s intuitive prompts are embedded right into your workflow. There’s no complex process or wasted time spent learning how to interact with BizAI. You simply converse directly with BizAI and it quickly learns your business preferences, becoming an indispensable part of your daily operations.  

Increased business confidence

Small business owners often second-guess their decisions. It can be hard to gain broad insight into your industry and scope out the competition. BizAI lets you know what similar businesses are doing and how you can be more effective. It’s the older, wiser mentor you need to gain reassurance and stay competitive in your business. 

How to Access BizAI

Where to access BizAI

BizAI is embedded right into the vcita platform, which makes it very straightforward to use. We even added a convenient BizAI button at the top right of the menu so you can locate the tool instantly. 

BizAI is also accessible at various touch points throughout the vcita platform. Here are just a few examples of where you can find BizAI in action:

Generating an email with BizAI

  • Writing an appealing service description
  • Composing a professional-sounding email
  • Writing a polished business description

We’re continually working to expand BizAI’s presence across more areas and workflows within the platform. You’ll soon be able to rely on BizAI for even more tasks, such as suggesting responses to client inquiries and other routine interactions. By integrating BizAI at key touch points, we ensure you get the support you need right when you need it, streamlining your business processes and enhancing efficiency. 

Some Things to Know about BizAI

BizAI requires an interaction

BizAI requires an interaction

A key difference between BizAI and generic AI tools like ChatGPT is that BizAI thrives on interaction. The more you engage with BizAI, the better it learns your business needs, making the advice it gives you more tailored and relevant to you. 

When you interact with BizAI’s prompts for business strategy and growth, it will ask you follow-up questions, similar to a real-life business advisor. The more thoroughly you answer these questions, the better BizAI’s response will be. 

BizAI needs data

To get the most out of BizAI, you need to provide it with the right information. Be sure to fill in a clear and concise description of your business, as well as a detailed description of your services or products. This helps BizAI understand your industry, business model, and overall business objectives. Supplying these details gives BizAI the context it needs to give you the best possible results tailored to your business. 

You can ask BizAI anything 

BizAI ready-made prompts

With BizAI, there are no limits to what you can ask related to your business needs. If you’re not sure where to begin, you can try out some of the ready-made prompts provided within the platform, like the following:

  • How do my prices compare to those of other similar businesses in my area?
  • What are some ideas that can jump-start my business growth?
  • What are some cost-saving strategies I can try?
  • Can you provide a list of the most popular services in my industry?
  • I’m launching a new service or product. How should I price it?
  • Please write a detailed description of my products and services.
  • I’d like to attract new customers. Can you create an email marketing campaign?
  • Please provide suggestions for promoting my business on social media. 
  • Can you come up with a strategy for how I can gain a competitive advantage?

Why BizAI stands out

BizAI is the game-changing AI business advisor for small businesses that are looking to grow. While other AI platforms offer various tools and features, none provide the integrated, comprehensive support you get with BizAI. Whether you need help streamlining your operations, improving your marketing strategy, or boosting your business growth, BizAI is right for you.

BizAI combines the power of AI with deep business insights to bring you a tailored advisor for your specific needs. It’s the only AI tool you’ll need for your business, and you’ll find it right in your vcita menu. Start the conversation with BizAI today to gain relevant, actionable insights and unparalleled support to help your business thrive.


What is BizAI and how does it benefit small businesses?

BizAI is an AI business advisor integrated into the vcita platform, designed specifically for small businesses. It provides personalized, actionable recommendations by leveraging your business’s internal data and industry knowledge. This helps in making data-driven decisions, saving time, and accessing cost-effective expertise, ultimately aiding in business growth and efficiency.

How does BizAI differ from other AI tools like ChatGPT?

Unlike generic AI tools such as ChatGPT, which provide general recommendations, BizAI uses your specific business data and industry insights to offer tailored advice. This ensures that the guidance you receive is relevant and practical for your unique business needs, rather than generic suggestions.

Can BizAI help with specific business tasks?

Yes, BizAI can assist with a wide range of business tasks, including writing professional emails, crafting service descriptions, developing marketing strategies, and analyzing competitor data. It integrates seamlessly with your existing business tools, making it a versatile support tool for various business operations.

How user-friendly is BizAI for small business owners?

BizAI is designed to be user-friendly, even for those who aren’t tech experts. Its intuitive interface and embedded prompts allow for easy interaction, ensuring that you can quickly learn and utilize its features without a steep learning curve.

What kind of data does BizAI need to function effectively?

To maximize the benefits of BizAI, it requires detailed information about your business, such as descriptions of your services or products, sales figures, and customer feedback. Providing this data helps BizAI generate more accurate and personalized recommendations tailored to your business.

Is BizAI cost-effective compared to hiring a business advisor?

Yes, BizAI offers high-quality professional advice at a fraction of the cost of hiring a traditional business advisor or marketing expert. This makes it an affordable option for small businesses looking to access expert guidance without overextending their budget.

How do I access BizAI within the vcita platform?

BizAI is embedded in the vcita platform and can be accessed via a dedicated button in the menu. It’s available at various touch points throughout the platform, making it easy to use for different tasks like writing emails, creating business plans, and more. Engaging with BizAI’s prompts and providing detailed information enhances its effectiveness in supporting your business.